So it's only taken me 7 months to finally finish my wine rack. We had a busy fall with Mini DIY starting preschool and then all the illnesses that come along with preschool germs.
A couple weekends ago, I decided enough was enough and I was going to finish my wine rack. I needed to get the wine out of my cabinets and my hubby needed the wine rack out of the shed. Now that it is finished, I've determined I have too much wine and need a bigger rack. Or I could just drink it. :)
If you remember, the wine rack was in pretty sad shape. Lots of dust, mildew, and some missing screws. Since it was only $10, I figured I could do something with it. After a good cleaning, repairing and sanding, I finally decided on a color: Valspar's Lake Country #5003-5C.
I'm really loving all the aqua and turquoise that I'm seeing out in blogland these days. It's quite a stretch from my typical decorating style. A style that I'm slowly but surely changing. I grabbed a million paint chips and spent a good hour pouring over them in the Lowes paint I do everytime I decide to paint something. I picked Lake Country on a whim and I love it!
I painted one coat of Kilz primer and 2 coats of Lake Country on. I hit the edges and a few other places with the palm sander to distress it. After the paint had dried, I rubbed on a Valspar Antiquing Glaze all over. I think it toned down the paint color and gave it a nice rustic finish.
I didn't take any pictures of the painting and staining of the wine rack. I figure that is pretty self-explanatory.
The top that Mr. DIY cut for me is stained with a couple coats of Minwax Special Walnut. I decided that it wasn't really dark enough for me so after the Special Walnut dried, I went back over it with a couple coats of Minwax Dark Walnut.
So without further ado, here is my new wine rack.

And just a reminder of what it looked like before:
You done good! I have lots of pieces to do - some day. Sigh. :)
ReplyDeleteI need to get my rear in gear in just finish stuff. I've sold many pieces that I didn't get around to finishing before cold weather kicked of which was another antique wardrobe that I scored for $50.
ReplyDeleteIt looks great, Tricia! And tell me about it when it comes to just doing the projects. I need to do something around my house soon!
ReplyDeleteKeep me coming girl!
Oops, that was suppose to say keep'em coming. Wow, auto correct is a killer! It's funny though, lol!
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