Friday, April 29, 2011

In honor of the Royal Wedding...

I thought I would post some pics of my own wedding day. I had no desire for a big wedding. My mom had been driving me crazy over every detail...even my choice of colors. Finally, I said enough is enough and called the travel agent. Eric and I were married in Negril, Jamaica on July 31, 2007.

We were supposed to be married on the beach with the sand between our toes, but it started to rain. We waited over an hour for the rain to stop and it never did. We were married on what was called the sunset patio. The rain ended as soon as our ceremony ended. They say it is good luck if it rains on your wedding day. I'm curious as to when we are supposed to see that luck. LOL

Did I mention that Eric had an emergency appendectomy a week before our wedding and had his staples removed the day before we left? Yeah, that was just the beginning of insane things that have happened in our marriage.

This picture was taken later by people walking on the beach. We were killing time waiting for our dinner to start.
Trying to decide if I wanted to "trash the dress" or not.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Sign

I know I am way behind on posting. My 2-year-old is becoming quite the handful lately. I can't turn my back on him for long because he is constantly getting into something. Seriously, he cracked eggs in my living room this morning.

So I worked on a quick little project last week while he was napping. I recently joined GroopDealz. It is a really cool website that features handmade crafts and goods from small businesses. They idea is that the business lists a product for very cheap. The business sets a minimum purchase required for the deal to be "on". So they may need 50 items purchased for the deal to go. If only 25 people purchase, the deal is canceled. If 50 people or more purchase, the deal is on.

I've been taking advantage of this website quite a bit lately. They have been featuring a lot of vinyl decals lately. If you are a fan of Uppercase Living, you will know what I'm talking about. I haven't paid more than $7 for any vinyl lately. The last piece I purchased from UL was almost $50.

Anyway, I picked up this cute Spring decal on GroopDealz from My TreeHouse Treasures.

We had some pine left over from another project that I had been working on. I had Mr. DIY cut it to the correct size for me and got to work. Following the directions from MTHT, I sanded the cut edges of my board. Then using white acrylic craft paint mixed with a little water, I painted my board on all sides.

When my board was dry, I attached my vinyl decal. I sanded the edges once again and wiped stain over the entire board to give it an aged look. This is the first project that I have done like this and I'm pretty excited with how it turned out.

Happy Spring!!!