Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dyson Allergy Cleaning Kit

Last night, my sweet husband surprised me with the Dyson Allergy Cleaning Kit.  I know some of you are probably thinking, "that's no gift", but I'm all about practical gifts.

We have all hardwood and tile floors in our house so instead of the dust settling in the carpet, it settles on all of my furniture and all along the baseboards.  My Dyson vacuum came with some great attachments, but it didn't have anything to dust furniture with.  I don't like using the smelly sprays that just push the dust around either.  So while searching online, I came across the Dyson Allergy Cleaning Kit.  The answer to my dusting woes!  The $70 price tag quickly dashed my hopes.  

For the last year I've thought about that kit and again dismissing it because of the price tag.  After having our return air duct moved to the ceiling last week, my house was covered in drywall dust.  I casually mentioned that it sure would be nice to have the dusting attachment for my Dyson to clean up all the drywall dust and then never gave it a second thought.

Last night my husband and my son ran to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items.  After doing the bedtime routine with our son, my husband came walking into my office with a large box containing my new cleaning kit!  I was so excited!  He had ordered it from  and had it shipped site-to-store.  The best part?  The price!  Wal-Mart has it for $41.00!!!  I didn't even know Wal-Mart carried Dyson products.  By the way, it is still $69.99 on Best Buy's website.

I'm sure you are all wondering how well it works.  Well, I have a black entertainment center and there wasn't a hint of dust left behind.  No smearing or pushing the dust around or dust floating in the air.  It's all nicely contained in the Dyson canister.  I highly recommend this to anyone who despises dusting as much as I do!

***Disclaimer:  I was not compensated in any way for this review.  My husband purchased this kit as a gift for me.  This is my own personal review of this product.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's been a year...

since my last post.  That's kind of crazy!  I feel like I'm still going through a transitional period.  Still getting used to being the mom of a preschooler.  Driving back and forth to the next town over for school.  Trying to manage/balance my time between my son and my new business.

Yes, that is correct.  I've started a new business adventure.  Everyone knows I have a love of vintage and antique furniture.  I also have a new love.  Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  I decided to merge my two loves and open up The Treasured Chest where I refurbish and paint vintage and antique furniture.

The big launch of The Treasured Chest will be on April 27, 2013, at Blue's Spring Gathering in Creal Springs, Illinois.  The Spring Gathering will host almost 70 vendors featuring handmade items, antiques, primitives, and good old rusty junk.  It's gonna be a great time!  So be sure to mark your calendars, you don't want to miss this!

Be sure to stop by the blog, I promise there will be many new posts featuring all of the pieces I'm currently working on.